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CONECA (pronounced: CŌ´NECA) is a national numismatic organization devoted to the education of error and variety coin collectors. CONECA focuses on many error and variety specialties, including doubled dies, Repunched mintmarks, multiple errors, clips, double strikes, off-metals and off-centers—just to name a few. In addition to its website, CONECA publishes an educational journal, The Errorscope, which is printed and mailed to members bimonthly. CONECA offers a lending library, examination, listing and attribution services; it holds annual meetings at major conventions (referred to as Errorama) around the country.

CONECA was formed through a merger of CONE and NECA in early 1983. To learn more about the fascinating HISTORY OF THE ERROR HOBBY and THE HISTORY OF CONECA, we encourage you to visit us our main site Here

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Some body say something! Let us talk of error coins

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  • Frankendime
    • May 2012
    • 9

    Some body say something! Let us talk of error coins

    What is this site? A Museum? I know how many you out there!
  • rascal
    • Feb 2011
    • 211

    ok ! Do you know what a error coin is and the difference between a error and a variety coin ?


    • Merlin8971

      error vs variety

      An error is a coin that results from a mistake in the coining process. (i.e. over polishing a buffalo nickel die creating a 3-1/2 legged buffalo)

      A variety is a change in design elements or placement. (i.e. 1913 "mound" buffalo date changed to a line separating the mound from the date)

      SOOO, is a 1989 Lincoln penny with a 1988 reverse (resulting in a weak "FG" initials) considered an error or a variety?
      Last edited by Guest; 05-19-2012, 07:08 PM.


      • rascal
        • Feb 2011
        • 211

        Originally posted by Merlin8971 View Post
        An error is a coin that results from a mistake in the coining process. (i.e. over polishing a buffalo nickel die creating a 3-1/2 legged buffalo)

        A variety is a change in design elements or placement. (i.e. 1913 "mound" buffalo date changed to a line separating the mound from the date)

        SOOO, is a 1989 Lincoln penny with a 1988 reverse (resulting in a weak "FG" initials) considered an error or a variety?
        wonder what happened to frankendime ? he or she must have run away. Merlin I think you have it in reverse between a mint error and a variety. you also have the 1988 cent in reverse order. You should have said a 88 cent with a 89 reverse . this one is called a transition coin . a variety coin is coins that are struck with dies where the dies had something wrong with the die like say a doubled die or the 3 1/2 legged buffalo you mentioned. a error coin is things like broad strikes , off center coins , double struck coins , struck thrus and things like this.


        • Merlin8971

          Actually....the definitions I gave are direct quotes from the Glossary of Terms of the American Numismatic Association.

          The 1988 Lincoln penny DOES have a reverse of 89 error variety (oh yeah, what is the definition when one uses BOTH terms together like I just did?) HOWEVER, there is ALSO a error variety of the 1989 reverse of 88 "weak FG initials" (I have both varieties.).

          Sometimes the definitions are so close they end up being used (mistakenly) interchangeably, kinda like "cud" and die chip. Many use "cud" when they should be using die chip. From my way of thinking...die chip is the major vernacular whereas "cud" is a secondary vernacular of die chip which described a particular type of die chip on the rim.

          RPM's and OMM's are another close definition whereas an RPM is the SAME mintmark repunched over the initial mintmark and an OMM is a DIFFERENT mintmark punched over top of the original mintmark, but then one could find a repunched mintmark OVER an OMM or D over D over S mintmark.

          It is all very confusing at times.

          It is also my understanding that doubled dies are caused by slight indexing of the die after an initial die strike from the master die to the working die or master die to master hub to working die because as I understand it ALL working dies are struck more than once to get a completely defined image on the working die with an intermediate annealing of the working die between strikes. Since ALL dies ARE STRUCK MORE THAN ONCE it is only the indexing of the die that causes doubled dies. (So, what is it when a Master Hub is NOT SECURELY IN PLACE and causes (by definiton) a "mechanical doubling" of the working die on a secondary strike of the working die? It seems there can be a doubled working dies caused by "mechanical doubling" in the hubbing process. It is also possible that the dimensions of the working die details could change in the annealing process in between strikes so that the lettering does not line up properly during the subsequent strike.)

          Then one has the doubled working die which has the potential of making hundreds of thousands double die coins, versus the infamous "mechnaical doubling" that usually produces FAR FEWER doubled coins (because the operator can correct the "mechanical doubling" by tightening the dies in the press. BUT, to me, the curioous thing is that MANY "mechanically doubled" coins DO NOT verify "mechanical dooubling" because ONLY SOME of the doubled letters that are supposedly "mechanically doubled" (by loose dies), i.e. In God We Trust, one might find the "I" is doubled, but the "N" is NOT doubled, "G & D" are doubled but the "O" is NOT doubled, the "W is doubled and the "E" is NOT doubled, the "T" is doubled but NOT the "R", the "U & S" are doubled but the second "T" is NOT doubled. Along with these characteristics....the date May or may NOT be doubled, the mintmark may or may NOT be doubled and LIBERTY is very very rarely doubled.

          Seems to me that if a die is loose and moves during the plastic flow of the metal, logic would dictate that the entire die must move therefore all details of the die would be affected by the movement during plastic flow of the metal. YET, I have observed many times that when the "In God We Trust" shows some doubling of the letters AND the mintmark ALSO shows doubling, I have seen the mintmark OFTEN shows movement in the OPPOSITE DIRECTION of the letters of "In God We Trust." (letters of IN God We trust shows movement to the left whereas the mintmark shows movement to the right.) Very Curious.
          Last edited by Guest; 05-20-2012, 12:23 PM.


          • Frankendime
            • May 2012
            • 9

            Originally posted by rascal View Post
            wonder what happened to frankendime ? he or she must have run away. Merlin I think you have it in reverse between a mint error and a variety. you also have the 1988 cent in reverse order. You should have said a 88 cent with a 89 reverse . this one is called a transition coin . a variety coin is coins that are struck with dies where the dies had something wrong with the die like say a doubled die or the 3 1/2 legged buffalo you mentioned. a error coin is things like broad strikes , off center coins , double struck coins , struck thrus and things like this.
            Been busy,busy. You gave me something to read up on. I thought I knew the answer but, I was wrong. Really just wanred to know if anybody was out there. See lotsa views but few responses.


            • Hobo
              • Jan 2012
              • 10

              I agree - this message board is pretty dead. It would be nice if it were more active.


              • rascal
                • Feb 2011
                • 211

                Originally posted by Hobo View Post
                I agree - this message board is pretty dead. It would be nice if it were more active.
                Hobo I believe this forum will come back alive soon. all of us needs to post some of our coins on here to make it interesting.


                • Merlin8971


                  Charge to 300 watt/seconds. CLEARRRRRRRRRR

                  Charge to 300 watt/seconds. CLEARRRRRRRRRR

                  Charge to 300 watt/seconds. CLEARRRRRRRRRR

                  Charge to 300 watt/seconds. CLEARRRRRRRRRR


                  • Paolo
                    • Jun 2012
                    • 7

                    Originally posted by rascal View Post
                    Hobo I believe this forum will come back alive soon. all of us needs to post some of our coins on here to make it interesting.
                    I agree...have posted here twice and have had like 20k looks and one smart ace reply telling me to send my coin to coneca so I can be charged for the obvious...lol
                    "I would step over a dime to pick up a penny"


                    • atrox001
                      • Aug 2007
                      • 268

                      Who is the “smart ace” you are talking about? I hope it isn’t in regards to your 5c 85D RPM post. When someone finds something new that could be added to the CONECA Master Listings they should “send it in”.

                      Larry Nienaber


                      • numismanut
                        • Jul 2012
                        • 54

                        Just thought I'd pop in and say I'm new on here, but I'll try my best to liven things up like the rest of you.

