Struck through and straight clipped planchets question
1. 1997 D nickel well looks like it -struck through cotton? looks like cotton marks on obverse
2. 2002 D dime- struck through grease? I found this dime in change, as i grab this dime ive noticed that it was kinda of greasy was wondering why but back then i was still new at this didnt know what struck through grease coins were. Anyways i started to rub it more then i noticed that this was some kind of error, ended up rubbing the whole area off by accident LOL. It looks like its sanded but surface is very smooth i mean very smooth like slippery smooth and still till now u can feel the grease. Also the area is sort of indented the obverse looks normal.
3 and 4 are str8 clips any premiums?
5. 1946 P lamination error reverse any premium?Last edited by CmonManggg; 01-16-2013, 12:15 PM.
The next to the last one is a small curved clip and the last one is a lamination. The others are not mint errors but have been damaged. The two that are errors have a small premium value.James Zimmerman
Coneca N-911
CONECA PA State Rep/Treasurer
So the nickel and dime arent errors? It was all greasy and the torch area was there till i rub it off unknowingly. The nickel looks like a struck through cotton with post mint damage. Here are some other angles but if u say they arent then I believe u.Last edited by CmonManggg; 01-16-2013, 12:14 PM.
The only two possible error coins are the 1934 Lincoln cent with a curved clip and the Lincoln cent reverse with a lamination peal.
The nickel has been subjected to a corrosive agent that has deteriorated the metal.
BJ NeffMember of: ANA, CCC, CONECA, Fly-in-club, FUN, NLG & T.E.V.E.C.