(and uncentered hole)
Foreign error
It's an uncentered broadstrike with a strong collar scar. Here it appears that the hole was present in the planchet before the strike, since it alone is well-centered and the shape is distorted. I'm getting rather confused about this center hole business. Perhaps I've got it all wrong, or perhaps the hole can be punched out before, after, or during the strike.Mike Diamond. Error coin writer and researcher.
I`m getting a little confused with these holes myself. After looking at older coins with holes, it looks like the hole was punched before the striking, because they have small distortions in the egdes of the hole.
But this it not the case with newer coins, there is no distortion to the hole on them.
I`ll dig in to some old books again and see if I can find the answer, annoying not to know for sure
Mike Diamond. Error coin writer and researcher.