well I can see seperation line's as pointed out plus, there's some type of anomaly happening on the top of the 2 that looks like a huge dot.To be honest it's really to bright to really tell on the other parts of the coin. Thank's and do you see the split seperation lines?
Thank's mike I was reading about md on these new quarters, and looking at photos them and I think I might have too send this one to you.Because it looks like hub doubling. When I get home I will take out of the holder and post a better picture of the doubling without all the reflection. Sorry about that I know you really can't tell with all the bad lighting.
MR.Diamond I will have to take your word on that,as I'm sure your right,but I will never know because my 14 year old son gave it away to a teacher at his school.(good boy)! But I do have all these to still look at.If I find another one like it i will post it.Image639.jpg