1902 P Morgan Dollar with gator eye and struck with a corroded die? At a loss.
1902 P Morgan Dollar with gator eye and struck with a corroded die? At a loss.
1902 P Morgan with gator eye and possibly struck with a corroded die or struck thru grease. At a loss on this one but don't think it is after mint damage judging by the 19 and stars. Couldn't find a listing for Alligator eye for this date on Vam World. Not to say it's not already listed.You do not have permission to view this gallery.
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I do not like how the date appears smashed, making me feel the perimeter of the coin was damaged somehow. The eye could easily be machine doubling as opposed to a doubled die like the 1887 vam 12. From the photo I am not sureJason Cuvelier
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