two die clashes
two die clashes
I found two Lincolns w/ die clashes on the reverse.The first one is a 1981 that looks like a doubled Lincoln to the left, and looks like his head is doubled,is this a die clash or a doubled die, or something else altogether? The second coin is a 1998 with what looks like a triple strike die clash,what do you think? Thanks, bigbeardriver......Tags: None
The coin on the left is a strange one. It could be a wild, unlisted doubled die with a huge separation. Or it could be a counterclash error. Or it could be die damage that coincidentally resembles Lincoln's statue. It's very intriguing and should ideally be looked at by some heavyweight Lincoln cent variety experts. I suggest showing the photos on the coppercoins website to get their take. Hopefully James Wiles and BJ Neff will chime in with their expert opinions.
The cent on the right shows a double set of clash marks. That's fairly common. When dies smack into each other, it jars the hammer die or hammer die assembly and causes it to shift slightly prior to the next clash. I've seen as many as five (maybe more) staggered sets of clash marks on Lincoln cents.Mike Diamond. Error coin writer and researcher.
The second Lincoln has definitely had two clashed dies, as Mike Diamond has pointed out.
The first Lincoln should be subjected to "in hand" analysis, for it is more than interesting. Mike went over the possible scenarios that it could be; from a wild doubled die to an underlying gas bubble. That is the reasoning behind having an expert look at this coin. I can not be sure, by just the photos, what we are looking at.
BJ NeffMember of: ANA, CCC, CONECA, Fly-in-club, FUN, NLG & T.E.V.E.C.