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1853-O straight clip?
Looks like intentional PMD to me. Sad for a pricey coin. Someone would probably still want it damagedLast edited by Kloccwork419; 02-14-2022, 07:46 PM.
Sadly, I was just looking for some reassurance. For a period of time, my father was buying some collections and I don't know if he called it the error or if the previous owner did. I have been able to dismiss several other coins with "straight" clips, but i have been left with a couple dozen curved clips and some other errors. All is not Lost! Thank you for the quick response>
I agree, it has damage or discoloration in the general area of the suspected clip, which makes it even more suspicious. The good thing is, that it is worth at least the melt value of silver, or a set filler for some one that cannot find that elusive date/mintmark.
This looks flattened, maybe under heavy pressure or was ran over by something, but whatever the cause, it was after it left the mint and is more than likely post mint damage.
To ID future good clips, take a look at this article about the "Blakesly effect"
https://www.coinworld.com/news/preci...ringhouse.htmlLast edited by MintErrors; 02-16-2022, 08:56 AM.Gary Kozera
Website: https://MintErrors.org