I don't know if I can get to it this evening.
If not, maybe tomorrow.
This coming week (M-F) appears to pretty busy schedule wise.
Ok there IS another way.
Take a piece of paper about 1 inch squre, size for the paper doesnt matter
on one side place a tic mark with a pencil or pen.
Put a photo of the Jefferson reverse on your screen.
take that paper and put the tick mark at the base of the monticello building above the "M" in MONTICELLO.
Keeping the tic mark at the base of the Monticello building, have that paper split the left point of the M.
Carefully put a tick mark at the peak of that M
Take the paper off the screen. Take the top tick mark and place it on the "Line" just on the lower edge. make sure the paper edge can pass through the peak of one of the incused M's in Monticello. See if it matches.
Do that same thing for the lower line and the lower incused Monticello as well. I will send a photo and then I have to get out of here.
Four photos done in haste, but I think you will understand....
Used this photo
photo used.jpg
First measurement goes from base of building to PEAK of the M in this case.
known good strike.jpg
Move that paper over to the first highest line, and place the tick mark at the bottom of the line. The bottom Tick mark should hit the top of the incused M
extra line upper.jpg
and then move the paper and measure from the bottom line to the lower incused M.
extra line lower.jpg
The sticky didn't want to stick very well to the screen, but the spacing looks promising. I do this for my varieties more than I want to admit. It is quicker and a lot easier.