1964-D Lincoln Cent, CUD/Retained CUD or Fining
1964-D Lincoln Cent, CUD/Retained CUD or Fining
Trying to decide if this is Fining or a CUD/Retained CUD. "IN GOD WE" is split horizontally and doesn't have a full strike on that chunk, so thinking that piece is a Retained CUD. "TRUST" is also split horizontally and has the blob of copper that would make this a CUD. It's so close to the rim and small enough that there's no depression on the reverse though, so it's hard for me to use that as a marker. My other thought is that this is just fining on an old penny. It's not listed on Cuds on Coins. Does anyone see anything that would determine what this is?
5920-Obv-1964-D-1c-Lincoln.jpg 5920-Rev-1964-D-1c-Lincoln.jpg 5920-Obv-1964-D-1c-Lincoln-A.jpg 5920-Obv-1964-D-1c-Lincoln-B.jpg 5920-Obv-1964-D-1c-Lincoln-C.jpg 5920-Obv-1964-D-1c-Lincoln-D.jpg 5920-Obv-1964-D-1c-Lincoln-E.jpg
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