Missing clad layer
Originally posted by Mercergrl2 View PostI’m curious because on this 2015 Bombay Hook Quarter it looks like the reverse clad layer is missing but its weight is 5.7g. Thanks for looking.
I honestly don't know what to think of this one, since it has two different types of look.
I feel suspicious about this since one is pure copper and dark brown and the other is totally different.
On the dark brown side, I don't see any actual "dings". Maybe the clad layer was removed chemical wise and light splashed over to the other side?
BUT, I don't have the coin in had and cannot put it under a 'scope.
You can wait for other responses as well.
You can also ask the CONECA staff to look at this.
I suggest you visit this main forum page.
Add a post under examinations. A CONECA staff member should look at the coin.
ADD as much information as you can about the coin, in text and photos. By doing so, you may get your answer a lot sooner than having to wait for several replies. Add the weight, maybe a photo of some of the reeding (thinnest area/side of the coin) as well.Gary Kozera
Website: https://MintErrors.org