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CONECA (pronounced: CŌ´NECA) is a national numismatic organization devoted to the education of error and variety coin collectors. CONECA focuses on many error and variety specialties, including doubled dies, Repunched mintmarks, multiple errors, clips, double strikes, off-metals and off-centers—just to name a few. In addition to its website, CONECA publishes an educational journal, The Errorscope, which is printed and mailed to members bimonthly. CONECA offers a lending library, examination, listing and attribution services; it holds annual meetings at major conventions (referred to as Errorama) around the country.

CONECA was formed through a merger of CONE and NECA in early 1983. To learn more about the fascinating HISTORY OF THE ERROR HOBBY and THE HISTORY OF CONECA, we encourage you to visit us our main site Here

If you're not a member and would like to join see our Membership Application

We thank everybody who has helped make CONECA the great success that it is today!

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  • myestate
    • Dec 2024
    • 5

    NEW Member to the forum.


    My name is Allen, I am new to the CONECA forum. I am currently not a paid member, but will most likely pay for the adult membership in the near future. I been collecting US coins since I was a junior in college, that was over 15 years ago. Back then, there was no cell phone apps for numismatics. I remember using Google Maps to find local pawn shops, and jewelry stores for coins. My very first Morgan Dollar was purchased from a local goldsmith jeweler whom was not interested in coins, but had a treasure tray full of Indian gold coins and $3 dollar princess. He sold one $3 gold princess to me, for the price of spot, which was slightly over $20 dollars/gram. The $3 princess was cleaned, but for the price of spot gold, I will take that deal ALL DAY LONG. There is more to the story...the goldsmith brought out many stacks of Morgan Dollars for the price of $25 each. One of the stack, was some black deep mirror beautiful Morgan Dollars...which, I passed up on as I went for the old worn out Morgan Dollars!!!! At the time, I know nothing about the importance of CONDITION nor the value of DMPL, the only thing I remember was the red book price value for 1893 S and 1889 CC. As I was standing there looking at the worn out Morgan with my 30x loupe, the goldsmith asked what I was looking for? I do not remember what i told him, but that was the last time he sold me any coins. I went back the following week, he told me the coins were sold. Once in a while I get flash back of that day and I imagine what college life would be like if I bought them DMPL for $25 dollars a piece....
  • occnumis2021
    • May 2021
    • 1465

    on my phone atm so dodnt read that tldr but i saw something anout $25 fmpl. Can we be friends!?!!?!!?

    welcome to the forum.
    coinfacts.com - conecaonline.info - board.conecaonline.org/forum/numismatic-site-links - briansvarietycoins.com - coppercoins.com - cuds-on-coins.com - doubleddie.com - error-ref.com - franklinlover.yolasite.com - ikegroup.info -lincolncentresource.com - maddieclashes.com - money.org - ngccoin.com/price-guide/world - ngccoin.com/census - ngccoin.com/resources/counterfeit-detection - nnp.wustl.edu - pcgs.com/pop - pcgs.com/coinfacts - pcgs.com/photograde - varietyvista.com - vamworld.com


    • MintErrors
      • Jun 2015
      • 3672

      Welcome aboard. I too started collecting Morgans when I was in my teens. I didn't have many expenses and I went into a rather shady dealer who offered me to put a down payment on a DMPL Morgan. This one looked a weee bit off and I do not remember the year. I made my payments on them and I asked to see the coin again . I quickly decided that I wanted my money back and I moved on.

      So, I can relate to that story. I will say... you can still be pleasantly surprised to find Prooflike and Deep Mirror Proof Like obverse coins out there even slabbed that are not designated as PL and DMPL. Some of the DMPL's out there are seriously low in known population, and they are surprisingly affordable.

      We hope you enjoy your stay here. There are some good folk here that can answer your coin related questions.
      Three helpful posts:
      How to take better photos with a Cellphone:

      RPM or DDO question? Help us help YOU:

      Gary Kozera
      Website: https://MintErrors.org

