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2019 Penny DDO?
On this penny, it somehow looks like there is a bigger version of Liberty beneath the one on the top. Does anyone know how this could have happened?...You do not have permission to view this gallery.
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2015 Penny DDO?
Does anyone know what's going on with this penny?...You do not have permission to view this gallery.
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Alaska State Quarter Error
I came across this 2008 Alaska State Quarter in a bank roll. The 8 in 2008 isn't very good, But what I am looking at is the entire word ENUM is missing....
1976-S (MS Silver) 25c Washington Quarter DDO
Can this be deleted?...Last edited by CarlBanks138; 10-30-2023, 05:59 PM.
1910 rev 1909 transitional reverse Lincoln Wheat Cent
March 19, 2023 while looking for more flaked alloy errors for 1910 on eBay I found a 1910 with the first reverse used in 1909. This reverse has the filled...You do not have permission to view this gallery.
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Muddyfkr, nubey
Hello everyone its muddyfkr... Aka dustin ross from Oregon. Ive only really bin seriously into the numismatic game for possibly a year disabled...Last edited by Muddyfkr; 03-29-2023, 06:59 PM.
Neat Strike Through Grease
I found this while going through some Loomis rolls from the bank. I thought it was a neat strike through grease coin.
Us mint experimental rinse
I have a 2001 p. Sacajawea one dollar coin.
The U. S mint experimental rinse anti- tarnishing error. Caused the damage to my coin....
1909 vdb new verity
1909 vdb small initial on reverse inside the rim of the reverse side. No other vdb of record has this special engraved small initials on it...You do not have permission to view this gallery.
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1909 vdb variety discovered
I discovered vdb small initials on reverse bottom rim.
1979 P Susan B Anthony doubling on reverse?
I recently found a 79 Susan B Anthony that has some doubling of some kind on the reverse. "United States of America" looks like there's doubling....You do not have permission to view this gallery.
This gallery has 1 photos.Last edited by Neely317; 09-01-2021, 04:57 PM.
1985 D Roosevelt Dime
Two color Roosevelt Dime found in pocket change, OBv is a dull silver color and the REv is a copper color. Reeds are two tones. when viewed from the side...You do not have permission to view this gallery.
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2005-S Silver PR Oregon 25C DDR?
I recently found this Oregon silver proof quarter with some potential doubling in the tree and lower mountain area. It looks somewhat similar to the SP...You do not have permission to view this gallery.
This gallery has 5 photos.
1922 peace dollar, wounded eagle!
My warmest greetings to all respected, and kind bravuras at Coneca.
I hope everyone is making the best out of this pandemic.