I checked on coppercoins and variety vista. The photos werent clear enough for me to make a positive attribution. For some reason, I was having a heck of a time trying to do a simple overlay to see I could line up my photovwith a known documented example using the date and mint marks. I could not get the photos to the exact same sizes in paint dot net. I will try later after some well deserved shut-eye.
So, if you all can look at these photos later and help me determine if this is RPM 006 I would appreciate it. I went through all 22 or so 1959Ds at varietyvista, and all 121 or so at coppercoins. The only one that kinda looked the same was 006.
Here is the coppercoins link to 006/MDS:
https://coppercoins.com/lincoln/diestate.php?date=1959&die_id=1959d1mm006&die_stat e=mds
Here is varietyvista:
All I am asking is if it is 006. If it isnt I will go through them all over. The searation and shape of the mintmark, especially on the bottom serif is very pointed making this challenge a bit easier.
The reason I am pursuing this cent is that I found over 300 of them from a bag that I bought many years ago. These were in plastic tube rolls in a safe in storage. I am not sure if I finished the bag as there was another Folgers plastic coffee container at the bottom of one of the safes in storage with 1959 D on the sticky.