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CONECA (pronounced: CŌ´NECA) is a national numismatic organization devoted to the education of error and variety coin collectors. CONECA focuses on many error and variety specialties, including doubled dies, Repunched mintmarks, multiple errors, clips, double strikes, off-metals and off-centers—just to name a few. In addition to its website, CONECA publishes an educational journal, The Errorscope, which is printed and mailed to members bimonthly. CONECA offers a lending library, examination, listing and attribution services; it holds annual meetings at major conventions (referred to as Errorama) around the country.

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1959-D Lincoln Cent CONECA RPM-006 ?

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  • MintErrors
    • Jun 2015
    • 3663

    1959-D Lincoln Cent CONECA RPM-006 ?

    I was having issues posting photos this morning, so I will post my message, get some sleep and check to see if the issue has been corrected.

    I checked on coppercoins and variety vista. The photos werent clear enough for me to make a positive attribution. For some reason, I was having a heck of a time trying to do a simple overlay to see I could line up my photovwith a known documented example using the date and mint marks. I could not get the photos to the exact same sizes in paint dot net. I will try later after some well deserved shut-eye.

    So, if you all can look at these photos later and help me determine if this is RPM 006 I would appreciate it. I went through all 22 or so 1959Ds at varietyvista, and all 121 or so at coppercoins. The only one that kinda looked the same was 006.

    Here is the coppercoins link to 006/MDS:

    https://coppercoins.com/lincoln/diestate.php?date=1959&die_id=1959d1mm006&die_stat e=mds

    Here is varietyvista:

    All I am asking is if it is 006. If it isnt I will go through them all over. The searation and shape of the mintmark, especially on the bottom serif is very pointed making this challenge a bit easier.

    The reason I am pursuing this cent is that I found over 300 of them from a bag that I bought many years ago. These were in plastic tube rolls in a safe in storage. I am not sure if I finished the bag as there was another Folgers plastic coffee container at the bottom of one of the safes in storage with 1959 D on the sticky.
    Last edited by MintErrors; 03-01-2025, 08:53 AM.
    Gary Kozera
    Website: https://MintErrors.org
  • MintErrors
    • Jun 2015
    • 3663


    Errors received today (0845 01Mar25) are:

    no_file_to_upload-1 (on each upload tried)
    Gary Kozera
    Website: https://MintErrors.org


    • occnumis2021
      • May 2021
      • 1463

      do you use FTP since you have a website?

      i don't do much these days to keep up a domain and hosting, else i'd go back to doing images online via ftp. it is 1000x better imo, for several reasons. i mean there are free domains/hosting out there but again, i'm not doing enough to get one up and running again. filezilla iirc, was pretty amazing for me.

      i don't see that you have managed to get any images to this thread yet or links to them. (as far as i can see) but i do obviously see the links to CC and VV.

      thanks for the links. i REALLY love when ppl include the links they are looking at when inspired to make threads on forums. i mean it is JUST a quick copy/paste.
      coinfacts.com - conecaonline.info - board.conecaonline.org/forum/numismatic-site-links - briansvarietycoins.com - coppercoins.com - cuds-on-coins.com - doubleddie.com - error-ref.com - franklinlover.yolasite.com - ikegroup.info -lincolncentresource.com - maddieclashes.com - money.org - ngccoin.com/price-guide/world - ngccoin.com/census - ngccoin.com/resources/counterfeit-detection - nnp.wustl.edu - pcgs.com/pop - pcgs.com/coinfacts - pcgs.com/photograde - varietyvista.com - vamworld.com


      • MintErrors
        • Jun 2015
        • 3663


        Its this website that's throwing me errors. I can post on my site without issues.
        FTP was OK back in the day. Its much simpler for me to drag and drop. It will even create the links/url to the photos too.

        Its still broke here for me. I may just post this 1959D on my website and provide a link here.

        Gary Kozera
        Website: https://MintErrors.org


        • MintErrors
          • Jun 2015
          • 3663

          Originally posted by occnumis2021 View Post
          do you use FTP since you have a website?

          i don't do much these days to keep up a domain and hosting, else i'd go back to doing images online via ftp. it is 1000x better imo, for several reasons. i mean there are free domains/hosting out there but again, i'm not doing enough to get one up and running again. filezilla iirc, was pretty amazing for me.

          i don't see that you have managed to get any images to this thread yet or links to them. (as far as i can see) but i do obviously see the links to CC and VV.

          thanks for the links. i REALLY love when ppl include the links they are looking at when inspired to make threads on forums. i mean it is JUST a quick copy/paste.

          Yeah, its this website that's throwing me errors. I can post on my site without issues.
          FTP was OK back in the day. Its much simpler for me now to drag and drop.
          On my website (Wordpress) it will even create the links/url to the photos too.

          Its still broke here for me. I may just post this 1959D on my website and provide a link here.

          Blah the "upload from URL" on this site prompts for photo but just sits there .
          I had contacted Jamez and Eric about the issue on the https://conecaonline.info (CONECA Master List) site.
          They mentioned that they were having some one work on it.
          The issue might be connected with what's going on over here as well.
          Gary Kozera
          Website: https://MintErrors.org


          • MintErrors
            • Jun 2015
            • 3663

            In any event, I took the time to create that overlay. It does match up for CONECA RPM-006.
            We can consider the question closed. =)
            Gary Kozera
            Website: https://MintErrors.org


            • eaxtellcoin
              RPM Dealer Specialist
              • Feb 2008
              • 824

              Evening Gary. Let me see if I can upload photo's of RPM006. First I need to see if I have one in my sale coins, or sold coins file.
              Yep I clicked on the file, got a scrolling bar like uploading to site. Says: No file uploaded..
              Same issue.


              • occnumis2021
                • May 2021
                • 1463

                glad i'm not the only one that has struggled with that error as it means i'm not doing something wrong on just my end.
                coinfacts.com - conecaonline.info - board.conecaonline.org/forum/numismatic-site-links - briansvarietycoins.com - coppercoins.com - cuds-on-coins.com - doubleddie.com - error-ref.com - franklinlover.yolasite.com - ikegroup.info -lincolncentresource.com - maddieclashes.com - money.org - ngccoin.com/price-guide/world - ngccoin.com/census - ngccoin.com/resources/counterfeit-detection - nnp.wustl.edu - pcgs.com/pop - pcgs.com/coinfacts - pcgs.com/photograde - varietyvista.com - vamworld.com


                • MintErrors
                  • Jun 2015
                  • 3663

                  In my opinion, I understand websites can have issues. I have had my fair share. Heck, its just a pain some times to keep all the new versions of software updated. Wordpress has been better, they fixed some issues, but it has its moments. I would rather not talk about issues in Forum software, some things I have read about software are pretty scarey. I used to work full time in network security, so I read a lot of software and security related articles.

                  I will probably just better that I post the educational articles on my website and then I can offer a link here. People can then respond here on what they seen. It saves disk space for this site and I can help the people who have generic questions as well.

                  Some people just don't realize how much data just the photos alone take on a website. Add in well over a half decade of data and its a lot. For my website I have a 4TB drive. I have plenty of room on it, but I have bought another that was on sale and I will eventually add that to the mix as well. I have three websites on the server, but right now the MintErrors.org site is by far that uses a lot of 1's and 0's space.

                  As far as the coin related to this post, I will eventually put one up on my website. A lot of work ahead around the house as well as on the websites. Oh joy = )
                  Gary Kozera
                  Website: https://MintErrors.org


                  • MintErrors
                    • Jun 2015
                    • 3663

                    Originally posted by occnumis2021 View Post
                    glad i'm not the only one that has struggled with that error as it means i'm not doing something wrong on just my end.

                    I tried to do an upload several times.
                    Then I just thought it was a issue with the CONECA website and moved on.

                    In my opinion, for some of these new folks that wander in, it might have been a nice gesture to offer a small post in the announcement area that the site may be experiencing some technical difficulties and they will be corrected as soon as possible.

                    Some software even offer pop up boxes that people are required to hit OK after (hopefully) reading the message and getting the point across.
                    Gary Kozera
                    Website: https://MintErrors.org

