This has offset hub doubling (not to be confused with hob gobbling!) that shows as a strongly doubled eye, "19" of the date, back edge of lapel. This one DOES NOT have a die chip in "T" of CENT like in some stage "B" photos but it does have a small strike thru on right wheat stalk tip.
This has offset hub doubling (not to be confused with hob gobbling!) that shows as a strongly doubled eye, "19" of the date, back edge of lapel. This one DOES NOT have a die chip in "T" of CENT like in some stage "B" photos but it does have a small strike thru on right wheat stalk tip.You do not have permission to view this gallery.
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In my opinion, it looks good for a match on varietyvista.
I can see the doubling on the "19" of the date and the eye.
Nice find.Gary Kozera
I'm now starting to see the rolling edges like on the 19 as opposed to say the shelves on MD. I wasn't sure with the date until I seen the doubled eye then looked it up. Like ALWAYS STATED......"TRUST THE DOCUMENATION!". ThankX Gary it has been a great month so far with 2 finds outta the Cherrypickers guide. Now watch me jinx it because I said something. Doh.
Thank you for adding the link I keep forgetting I get so excited.