1998-d penny Double die on reverse
If I remember right, Bob P. thought that this may be either master die or working hub doubling. Not having seen this die in hand, I can only guess at what I am seeing; it could possibly be doubling.
BJ NeffMember of: ANA, CCC, CONECA, Fly-in-club, FUN, NLG & T.E.V.E.C.
Coppercoins, to my knowledge, always seems to post a fair price on their variety listings. Where it is to be considered a master die or working hub doubling, instead of a working die doubling will affect the price. To be honest with you, I would ask Bob Piazza what he thinks.
BJ NeffMember of: ANA, CCC, CONECA, Fly-in-club, FUN, NLG & T.E.V.E.C.
I have a statement on coppercoins.com under this die number 1998D-1DR-001. Over the last few years, I have managed to collect about 50 of these. The following is what I have determined at this point.
The doubling shows on mostly 1998D cents. I have found no examples on 1998P
The doubling also shows on a few 1999D cents. I have only found 4 of these so far.
I have 2 specimens from 2002D with this doubling as well.
As far as what it is....I really don't know. I am inclined to believe it is a form of doubling from the single squeeze method of hubbing. I can not say anything for sure because I really don't know. Why it seems to only happen on D minted coins is also another question.
At this point, I will leave it as is on coppercoins.com. The doubling is very minor and probably not worth much more investigation.
As far as pricing on coppercoins...we have the same caveat most price guides have. The prices listed are not a buy or sell price, but rather a combination of raw coin values, auction results and data from other sources. Supply and demand can affect the values immensely. All prices are strictly guidelines, and can be outdated very quickly. It takes a lot of work to try and maintain an accurate price guide, but in reality, it is just about impossible.
Bob PiazzaBob Piazza
Lincoln Cent Attributer