2021p Nickel Doubled Die or Die Clash?
2021p Nickel Doubled Die or Die Clash?
I received this 2021p nickel as change just the other day. It appears to have doubling on Obverse within IGWT. It appears there is an image going on that can be seen within Jefferson face, seen around his mouth, nose and hairline. There is also what appears to be a die cracks/gouges, under WE and TRUST. The blemish under Trust looks like a split as it's not raised. The Reverse is just as busy with die chips/cracks and what appears to be doubling. Doubling most notable on the reverse within E PLURBUS UNUM. There is a crack in the L as well as what appear to be die marks throughout and under EPU. There is a chip under the U. There is a die crack under the E and a die crack above the 2nd window in the monument, throughout the door starting in lower area moving into the top doorframe and into the small triangle window. There are what appear to be chips or markers throughout the monument. There are to many blemishes on the reverse to note them all. There also appears to be doubling throughout most windows in the monument. Chips above and below the I and C in Monticello, below the M and O, above the V in FIVE, above the T in STATES and in and above the A in AMERICA. There is only one Doubled Die listing on Brian's list for DDs which the markers match but there is so much more going on throughout this whole coin. I'm looking for help understanding everything going on throughout this coin because it seems to be alot going on with it and idk in what manner to note them errors properly and if I should send it in to be verified.
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You made very many observations here, and you have quite frankly identified everything correctly with the exception of a clash. I could find no evidence of a clash when I zoomed in on your photos. As far as chips, cracks and gouges, this is all part of the life cycle of these coins, and more anomalies occur as the dies strike more coins. In addition, circulation wear can account for some anomalies as well. I see no evidence of hub doubling, but I think I see some minor machine doubling in places.
Unfortunately, nothing on this coin screams 'premium' or 'variety'. These all seem like normal events for these coins.Bob Piazza
Lincoln Cent Attributer
Thanks Bob. I did receive the overlay of this coin. I was thinking being a 2021 nickel it could not have much circulation under it sleeve. The crack next to the L in EPU was what caught my eye first being it has a significant raise to it. Thanks again for helping me understand the proper terms.
Clashes on modern nickels look something this one: ADC-5c-2015P-01
ADC-5c-2015P-01 (1).jpg
ADC-5c-2015P-01 (5).jpg
ADC-5c-2015P-01 (2).jpgJason Cuvelier
Lead attributer