1934 D buffalo RPM 001?
1934 D buffalo RPM 001?
Looking at Wexler's site this coin's mint mark could be a match for the 1934 D/D buffalo nickel. I can't find the obverse die scratches or the reverse die crack mentioned as the die markers (pictures attached). Since its a well worn coin I could imagine the scratches possibly wearing away but the die crack should still be there. Would the lack of these markers be enough evidence to eliminate this coin as RPM001 in your opinion? Thanks for dragging me along the educational process.You do not have permission to view this gallery.
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I also realized that my coin has a large "D" mint mark and the RPM I proposed has a small "D" mint mark.
http://www.varietyvista.com/03%20Buf...k%20Styles.htmBob Piazza
Lincoln Cent Attributer