2022 Reverse Examples. #D
2022 Reverse Examples. #D
Bob, Last one for now. Here are three examples of the word “State” on the reverse of the 2022 Lincoln Shield Cent. All three seem to vary in thickness. Can thickness in the letters be a result of an abraided die with the devices worn down like in examples 2 & 3? Or are the thicker letters seen here more a result of genuine hun doubling? In example 3, the thickest of the group, this is doubling or just worn devices from an abraided die as well? Thanks!Tags: None
You kinda nailed it with the sizes of the devices changing as the die wears. This does not necessarily have to be because of abrading though. The more coins it strikes, the mushier and wider the letter/numbers become as they lose the sharp edges. That is exactly what you are seeing here.Bob Piazza
Lincoln Cent Attributer