I could find no reference for this coin, however, I did find a 1971 DDR-001 that looks very similar to this one as far as the doubling goes. I was getting ready to take back to the bank but I figured I’d check it over with other dates. I know shelf like doubling is normally machine doubling but I did not see any serifs on the 1971 example. What do you think are the a match as far as the doubling goes? There are other places that the doubling is taking place like the stars, moon and bell. Thank you for your assistance
1776-1976 Eisenhower Dollar Possible DDR
1776-1976 Eisenhower Dollar Possible DDR
1776-1976 Eisenhower Dollar
I could find no reference for this coin, however, I did find a 1971 DDR-001 that looks very similar to this one as far as the doubling goes. I was getting ready to take back to the bank but I figured I’d check it over with other dates. I know shelf like doubling is normally machine doubling but I did not see any serifs on the 1971 example. What do you think are the a match as far as the doubling goes? There are other places that the doubling is taking place like the stars, moon and bell. Thank you for your assistanceYou do not have permission to view this gallery.
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The giveaway on this coin is the way the doubling cuts into the device. It is definitely MD. In addition, you can not have one tiny notch and call it hub doubling. Even if it was a doubled die with tiny notching, it would be considered too minor to list. One thing you need to keep at a minimum is comparing the doubling from one year to another. They might be similar, but that would be the extent of using another year to try and match yours to.Bob Piazza
Lincoln Cent Attributer