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1988-D Lincoln cent RPM?

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  • MintErrors
    • Jun 2015
    • 3592

    1988-D Lincoln cent RPM?

    I will admit, I am not fond of zinc cents and this one was laying in a bucket of junk change.
    At first glance, it appears to be a RPM. But, there are things that are on the negative side of this.

    The negatives:
    • The distance between the curves of the "D" sould have made the vertical wider, or at least more tilted in my opinion.
    • There are no definite split serifs.
    • On the top of the "198" there appears to be mild machine doubling, but it is to the North and West, while what ever it is on the mintmark is to the South and West.
    • On varietyvista, I did not see a RPM that resembles this possible RPM.

    On the brighter side, both potential D's are raised, it did not break through the thin copper layer.

    If you'd Like I can add full obv and rev photos.

    Let me know what you think.

    1988-D Poss RPM-x2.jpg

    1988-D Poss RPM-x4.jpg
    Attached Files
    Gary Kozera
    Website: https://MintErrors.org
  • MintErrors
    • Jun 2015
    • 3592

    eaxtellcoin Eric, what do you make of this?
    Gary Kozera
    Website: https://MintErrors.org


    • eaxtellcoin
      RPM Dealer Specialist
      • Feb 2008
      • 807

      Evening Gary,
      That's a touph one! To me it looks like Localized MD. I think the wear on the planchet is giving you the feeling they are seperated but I don't think they are. The wear and grime are masking the flat/shelf like planchet it is. I just do NOT see any seperation on the lower serif or positive seperation on the loop. Can you tilt the coin and give us a photo of the lower serif? if There is no seperation I would let it go.


      • MintErrors
        • Jun 2015
        • 3592


        That is what my feeling is, but I thought I would ask.
        Here are a few other photos as requested. It was a head scratcher for me for a while.
        My initial thought was....thats one wide southern area of the "D" compared to the norther side.

        1988-D Poss RPM-x4-tilt-a.jpg

        1988-D Poss RPM-x4-tilt-b.jpg
        Last edited by MintErrors; 12-03-2023, 07:50 PM.
        Gary Kozera
        Website: https://MintErrors.org

