Ok so there are 2 coins same everything. i included 2 photos of each coin 29 and 30 and number 31 and 32
2 1976 D Bicentennial Quarters ?RPM?
2 1976 D Bicentennial Quarters ?RPM?
Hello I read a post from a guy on here from about a year ago. Anyway same coin, same Question, except his coins mark to me looked pretty standard and now here i am runnin my mouth tinkin I got somethin? this is what its about. Thank you to all that make this site a success and a fun safe place to be.
Ok so there are 2 coins same everything. i included 2 photos of each coin 29 and 30 and number 31 and 32Tags: None
Hello Hotstuff4,
There is only 1 RPM for the 1976-D's and I submitted it to Dr. Wiles. The photo presented is where the actual RPM is.
From what I see in your photo's i'm not sure where you believe the RPM is? Can you point to it like I did with my coin?
Then we would need to do an overlay. My photo is taken at 1200px wide X 900px tall. We would need the size to be close. I tried to overlay these photo's before I posted. The mintmark on your with comparison of the hair braid is closer than the photo's of my coin.
Eric 1976DRPM001.jpg
As you can see with this overlay. The hair ribbon does NOT line up with the mintmark.