I've got one to share as well, if you don't mind.
The renamed the Consumer Price Guide to the NEW name of Red Book Quarterly. The old name occasionally was referred to as CPG. But, now that David Lawrence Rare coins bought out Whitman Publishing, they own the Cherry Pickers Guide, which for years is known as the CPG.
The newly named Red Book Quarterly has a vast majority of normal coin pricing. It does have some well known varities sprinkled within the price lists as well.
The other price guides that are online, deal with "normal" US coins, such as
Https:// (free online price guide)
(service for a fee - some times a flash sale can be had. I spotted one on 27Dec2024).
For errors, a vast number of PDF style magazines are devoted to error collectors. It can be found ar . That website is not affiliated with my website.
In my opinion, I do have to mention that they do have a price guide, but, the price guide in some cases are much lower than there asking prices on their eBay store. I personally think the price guide should reflect prices that the error coins have recently sold for.
Plenty of data out there, but not a good price reference guide for the major errors...
Hope this helps.
Happy New Year.Last edited by MintErrors; 12-28-2024, 06:55 PM.Gary Kozera
No, I don't mind and thank you great bit of news that's what I feel these sites should offer is news like this from collectors by collectors NOT some journalists sitting behind a desk writing a piece and never collected a coin in their life and REASONABLY EXPECT us to believe there articles information.