1972 D 1c
Do this:
Find a bank that sells previously wrapped customer coins (not 2020/2021 new rolls). buy TWO $25 boxes of Lincoln cents - that'll be 100 rolls. Go through all of them - put things that you find interesting to the side - do not post anything here. When you're done with all of the 5000 coins, go back and look at your question coins and tell me that seeing that many does not help clarify what the normal range of coins look like.Jason Cuvelier
Lead attributer
So far, according to your previous posts, I believe you said you have found a few thousand dollars worth of coins. Maybe you should try using your own words and acquire some more knowledge with books before you make such claims. You also have the advantage of the internet which a lot of us never had early in our collecting. Luck is as much a part of this hobby as anything, but so far, not one of your hundred or thousand dollar coins has proven to be what you think it is. I suggest you don't brag about your finds until you actually know what it is you are looking at or for. Jason makes a very good suggestion about looking at more coins. I have been in this hobby for well over 50 years and even though I have seen and found incredible coins in my lifetime and looked at literally over a million coins, I have never had the sort of luck or finds you claim to have. I don't want to dissuade you from getting into the hobby, but I have dealt with many, many people who made claims like you have. I can not recall if any of them are rich or still in the hobby. My best piece of advice is STUDY and RESEARCH. The tools are available to you if you would just use them.Bob Piazza
Lincoln Cent Attributer