1999 georgia d doubled wrong side of ribbon v
1999 georgia d doubled wrong side of ribbon v
So i posted this as doubled and was told its part of the design and sent a mint image of the design which clearly shows my coin is doubled in the area that is not part of the design ive posted my image along with the design image look at the v in the ribbon on both should be the other sideYou do not have permission to view this gallery.
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OK. That is why I sent you the link to compared it to. Now that you've done that, we can see that there is indeed a small area of what appears to be doubling. This could be the result of a striking error (MD) or some sort of Post Mint damage. In my opinion, this is just too minor to warrant any other attention. If you like it, then by all means add it to your collection. I do not see this as being listable.Bob Piazza
Lincoln Cent Attributer