1994 lincoln cent nmm super square rims maybe s nmm?
1994 lincoln cent nmm super square rims maybe s nmm?
Ok so in the past i found a nmm coin that i thought could be a nmm s but was pointed out it was just well struck because it didnt have the squared off rims well here we go again and this time the rims are razor sharp obverse and reverse its a 1994 nmm in my pics its on the left a normal 1994 nmm is on the right it also appears to have cleaner fields and sharper devices in my opinion its hard to get photos of a lot of this sruff im finding this out all the time tho i am using a phone and placing a light magnification glass inbetween my phone and the coins because my phone by its self gets blurry when im at a high zoom up close i think im going to invest in a good digital camera this weekend and a good ring lightYou do not have permission to view this gallery.
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A proof 1994 from Philly is almost impossible being the MMs were no longer being punched into the dies - and after the debate in 1990, I do not see the Mint ever making that mistake again. Also, the place to look for proof errors would be in a proof set, not change.Jason Cuvelier
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