1972 nmm ddo think i may have a doubled die finally
1972 nmm ddo think i may have a doubled die finally
I was sorting out 1972, 1969 cent from bags of pre 82s i had set aside a long time back and planned to go thru them for doubled dies and came across this im 90 percent sure my constant searching has rewarded me decently finally hope im rightYou do not have permission to view this gallery.
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It's listed as a doubled die on doubled die.com maybe v vista does not recognise it the listing shows a nice die scratch or gouge that comes from the one and shoot over top of the nine if you look at the photo one of the ones of my date shows this and all the doubling appears the same I'm adding their imageYou do not have permission to view this gallery.
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Notice how the splitting on the 2 in the date is in the middle, while your coin has doubling to the right. Maybe this will help, a doubled die is a coin that was struck by dies (the things that stamp the design on a black coin) that were accidentally prepared with double images. A coin that has machine doubling is a result of a coin sliding a little in the die before it falls out, leaving doubled looking lettering that is just normal lettering that has been smushed on one side
The doubling needs to be rounded, not flat cutting into the existing devices. This is DDO-002:
1972 -DDO-002c3x4.jpgJason Cuvelier
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