1993 nmm cent my first cud
1993 nmm cent my first cud
Have not had one of these yet this coin is super nice example of a 1993 from mixed bank rolls just picked up friday when i was cashing my check so only cost me a penny has nice cud on lower obverse and nice die crack on lower reverse also clashes above both sides of memorial roof and im thinking maybe feeder finger damage above liberty.....nice coin not circulated much at all as can be seen in images this thing is riddled with flaws tho im so happy to finally be finding a few coins that are slightly specialYou do not have permission to view this gallery.
This gallery has 5 photos.Last edited by Moon finder; 04-18-2021, 12:24 AM.Tags: None
Very nice coin and a very nice cud. If yo haven't done so already, you may want to see if it is listed at this site:
Bob Piazza
Lincoln Cent Attributer
Thank you guys it's nice to finally be figuring some of this stuff out I was close to taking about $2000 worth of change to the bank and cash it in I've also come across 4 1979 d rpm Lincoln cent just don't see the need to post them all also I found a 1970 and 1971 s both have either rpms or omms or filled mm I can't tell I'm most deff posting those now so you can give input thank you guys for putting up with me thru my struggle also bob I checked the sight you mentioned and mine is not listed im going to attempt that tomorrow reads like a long process to list with them don't want to get into that tonight thanks again both of youLast edited by Moon finder; 04-18-2021, 10:30 PM.