Similar Features of Variety/Error in D- and P-Minted 1994 Quarter
Similar Features of Variety/Error in D- and P-Minted 1994 Quarter
While sorting through photos taken previously, I was surprised to find that two 1994 quarters had similar variety/error features. I vaguely remembered seeing the features before but did not know that I had seen them on two separate coins. The attached photos 1-4 are from D-Minted and 5-8 are from P-Minted. The first feature (in photos 2 and 6) is at the corner of the wing. The second feature (in photos 3 and 7) is an extra element between a leaf and stem. The third feature (in photos 4 and 8) is doubling on arrow tails, leaves, and stem. Is this a coincidence? Or maybe the working dies were originated from a master die which had these features?Tags: None
I see indications of MD on your photos, but would probably benefit greatly if you were able to point to the specific areas you are trying to compare. Are you able to do this with some editing software? Also, do you see these on any other quarters or on only these two?Bob Piazza
Lincoln Cent Attributer