1960 D small/large Date
Who are you wanting to send it in to? Are you wanting to slab it? This is a very nice die and doesn't need to be attributed as there is no doubt about it.
I am just curious as to what your plans are for it. I have been tracking coins like this for over 20 years to get an idea of what folks like to do with them when they find or buy one.Bob Piazza
Lincoln Cent Attributer
This is just my opinion, but there are many ways to properly store this coin without having to pay as much as you would for slabbing. There are many slabs or other hard and soft materials to store it in. The main thing you need to do is keep it away from PVC. The coin has already survived 60 years and looks this good, so it should be easy to maintain that condition by storing it properly.Bob Piazza
Lincoln Cent Attributer