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CONECA (pronounced: CŌ´NECA) is a national numismatic organization devoted to the education of error and variety coin collectors. CONECA focuses on many error and variety specialties, including doubled dies, Repunched mintmarks, multiple errors, clips, double strikes, off-metals and off-centers—just to name a few. In addition to its website, CONECA publishes an educational journal, The Errorscope, which is printed and mailed to members bimonthly. CONECA offers a lending library, examination, listing and attribution services; it holds annual meetings at major conventions (referred to as Errorama) around the country.

CONECA was formed through a merger of CONE and NECA in early 1983. To learn more about the fascinating HISTORY OF THE ERROR HOBBY and THE HISTORY OF CONECA, we encourage you to visit us our main site Here

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1964 DDR Lincoln penny

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  • Denny
    • Sep 2021
    • 5

    1964 DDR Lincoln penny

    Well I'm a new subscriber ;I did a post last weekend but I can't seem to find it so I believe I did something wrong. What I've came across after going thru some pennies that I saved since the early 1980's is a 1964 D Lincoln penny; it has a doubling on the reverse on the UNITED part the "ITED" is doubled much like the 1964 P...I can't find any information on the coin; it is pretty worn; I was wondering if this is worth keeping or is it worth no more than the copper value? Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks...Denny...
  • mustbebob
    • Aug 2007
    • 3050

    Hi Denny. Did you post a photo? There are some 1964D cents that have nice doubling on the reverse. Most are Class 2 doubled dies. Being circulated normally obstructs some of the doubling, but there could be some nice examples. There is also many case of machine doubling (MD) for that year. That would be worthless doubling. If you could post a good photo of the area in question, I should be able to tell you what you have.
    Bob Piazza
    Lincoln Cent Attributer


    • Denny
      • Sep 2021
      • 5

      Hi Bob and to anyone else who has some knowledge on this type of DDR , navigating and uploading photo's is something I'm not the best at the DDR is still hard to see it is only on the ITED in UNITED where the E&D is the strongest and the IT to a lesser extent; the doubling runs on the entire left side of these letters; there is not any other doubling on any other part of the coin; the doubling is similar to the DDR on the 1964 P penny. I was wondering if this has any value or is it worth about a penny? Thanks for any information...Denny...
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      • mustbebob
        • Aug 2007
        • 3050

        Thanks for posting the photos. However, they are just not clear enough that I can make a proper determination. By reading your description of the doubling, I can tell it is not the 'usual' class 2 doubling seen on most of the reverse doubled dies for this year. It could be some other type of doubling, but normally, it is not restricted to just one word. It is more difficult to tell if the coin is circulated like your example.
        If possible, it would help immensely to get a close up photo of the word UNITED.
        Bob Piazza
        Lincoln Cent Attributer


        • Denny
          • Sep 2021
          • 5

          Hi Bob, These photos are about as good as I can get; the magnifier I have is 10 power-I don't know if something like a 20 power would be any better as the coin is worn; if these photos still aren't clear enough I could certainly mail the coin to Coneca; I don't know what the companies procedure is or if this is even worth it...please let me know your thoughts. Thank-You for your time...Denny...
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          This gallery has 5 photos.


          • Denny
            • Sep 2021
            • 5

            Bob; I also took these 2 additional from the rim side as it gives you a different angle, I tried to get these combined with the 5 photos I sent earlier but I couldn't figure out how to do this....Thanks Again...Denny...
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            This gallery has 2 photos.


            • mustbebob
              • Aug 2007
              • 3050

              I was able to zoom in on your latest pics. Thank you for taking the time to do that for me. However, I could not find any evidence that this is a hub doubled die. I can see slight evidence of machine doubling on some of the letters of UNITED.
              Bob Piazza
              Lincoln Cent Attributer


              • Denny
                • Sep 2021
                • 5

                Thank-You for your help; I appreciate it...Denny...

