Thanks in advance S20211102_0006.jpg S20211102_0005.jpg S20211102_0008.jpg S20211102_0009.jpg
1992 NM Penny (P) ?
1992 NM Penny (P) ?
I not sure what's going on with this penny and figured I would post some pictures on here after my research on the net came up 0 answers. If this is common I may just be looking it up wrong. If so what is this referred to in the coin world? If its not common can you please give me some advise on how I should proceed with this penny, get it graded etc.
Thanks in advance S20211102_0006.jpg S20211102_0005.jpg S20211102_0008.jpg S20211102_0009.jpgTags: None
This is all the result of split plating. The gray areas underneath is the zinc core.
Bob Piazza
Lincoln Cent Attributer