1985 P dime
1985 P dime
I have a 1985 P dime that looks like is has some doubling on the 9, in God we trust and cool n the L, B, E and R in Liberty. From ny Searchvon the he wev and to my research there are no know errors for this year of dimeYou do not have permission to view this gallery.
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The "doubling" is low, and shelf like. More than likely this is related to mechanical damage. Machines are not perfect and some will cause a die to bounce, shift or otherwise.
Logic says if there are not any identified for this year, for me - in my opinion, this suggests that this leans heavily towards machine doubling/ damage, etc;
Machine doubling tends to remove a portion of the letters, numbers and devices.
A doubled die is exactly what it implies. When a working die was made, it received more than one impression on this working die. The impressions were not exactly on top of each other, partially off-axis. So there is some separation there. For doubled dies, the separation should be close to the same height. You may see a cookie cutter line near the top of these impressions where one impression was placed on top of another. Doubled dies may also so split serifs - the tips of the letters, top or bottom may show a slight separation. Spilt serifs can commonly be referred to as notching.
An important thing to note on doubled dies. Note that the Pick up points (PUP) that researchers have identified are the areas on the coin that the DIE that is creating these doubled die coins is pretty much fixed in stone if you will. Your coin should look almost exactly as the areas represented by the examples.
Keep searching ! There are winner coins out there, it just takes patience and perseverance.
MD.jpgLast edited by MintErrors; 02-03-2022, 10:21 AM.Gary Kozera
Website: https://MintErrors.org
I see what you're ur talking about.I appreciate your opinion but the only thing wrong what I think you said is " Logic says if there are not any identified for this year, for me - in my opinion, this suggests that this leans heavily towards machine doubling/ damage, etc;". It it's logic, it is yours and others belief that there are not b identied for this year or other years not identied. So truly logic is in my opinion an over used word to hide behind so it make you feel that there is nothing need to elaborate more on that subject. I believe you could be right about Machine doubling or what.
Dudeld...you are certainly very defensive on not only this post, but others. We don't need any lessons when it comes to Logic. Remember that you requested opinions, and as such, you can accept or leave them. If you believed it was MD, then why the reply
it is yours and others belief that there are not b identied for this year or other years not identied. So truly logic is in my opinion an over used word to hide behind so it make you feel that there is nothing need to elaborate more on that subject.Bob Piazza
Lincoln Cent Attributer
I never said I didn't like their opinion I was agreeing with what they said. I also said they hide behind the word logic cause when someone can't truly state of own true opinion or thought on what is brought before them to examine then they almost always come back as say logically speaking. I have been guilty of it myself pl has been getting so defensive on subjects that I have posted has always been your u BOB. Come to think about it. You are always the one to come on to my post and take offense to what you say and in my opinion it seems like you only take about in what I say in a negative way. I know your opinion and others on this site matter to alot a collectors and I appreciate the time that you guys give us that look for advice. But you also need to take your own advice and don't get so defensive when others disagree with you either.
The thing is that I am not or arguing with anyone. All I have been doing it stating my opinion and they state theirs. If they disagree with my opinion then that's fine that's their right. if you truly look back at all my other post that is what I have only did. And I have always told who ever gave me their opinion and n what they believe what it is that I appreciate their input. But if there is something that they say I tell them what my opinion on the matter and hope the take it to thought. But then there are some that just jump to conclusions and start voicing the emotions instead of the heir opinion cause they can't handle disagreement very well
Its not this thread. Its all of them. Every thread you start seems to turn into this. Logic, by definition, is exactly like Gary used it. It is logic. Like it or not. I suggest doing a lot more research before disputing about a coin.Last edited by Kloccwork419; 02-04-2022, 09:53 AM.
To him it might be logical by definition. Here's the definition " Logic is a method of reasoning that involves a series of statements, each of which must be true if the statement before it is true" and even in my other threads I just state my opinion and others don't like what I say and then they start arguing with the statement I made and it leads to this. Like this thread I stated I think people hide behind the word logic. I never disagreed with Gary on my coin or was arguing with his opinion on it.
OK. I think everyone has had their say, and I would like this to cease. Please remember that as the moderator here, I have certain responsibilities, to ALL our membership. Even though you are the only one who feels all of my replies are aimed at you in a negative way Dudeld, I will live with that. Enough said.Bob Piazza
Lincoln Cent Attributer