What is this??
What is this??
I have had this in a random coin box for over 25 years it was found in change. It just makes no sense to me as to what it is. It is the diameter of a quarter. I know it shows the Walking Liberty design. But have found nothing on anything like this.You do not have permission to view this gallery.
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That means this is some sort of damage. That image may be some glue where a second coin was glued to it at some time. Another possibility is what we call a garage job where coins are pressed together in a vice or similar tool.Bob Piazza
Lincoln Cent Attributer
It’s not a full coin. It it just the clad layer of the obverse side of a coin. It is non magnetic. It is missing its 2 other layers. It shows absolutely no evidence of being pressed against another coin or vice. What these pictures show is the outer and inner side of the top clad layer. Of what ever coin it is or was. Ok more direct question. Did they ever produce a modern quarter sized Walking liberty and if they did it’s it possible for one to have lost one of its clad layers. And in what years where they produced.
As you probably know, Walking Liberty coins were not clad, they were silver. Clad coinage started in 1965. There is no coin that I know of where this design was used on clad coinage. Coins don't just lose clad layers. Clads are pressed together under great pressure. There is some examples of coins where clad layers are missing, but that is from coins already struck. The outer clad layers are very thin, whereas the copper inner layer is thicker. The clad coin blank does not receive its image until striking, so there can not be a random clad walking Liberty that can be adhered to another coin, especially since there were none ever struck on a clad blank. The image on your coin is inverted, but your comment about having it for years has me puzzled. Current lathe techniques would make it possible to clean away the insides of a coin and leave just a shell. I do not know if that was possible that many years ago, but it is an educated guess.Bob Piazza
Lincoln Cent Attributer