2005p 5cent. Bisson. Strikethrough.
2005p 5cent. Bisson. Strikethrough.
I was hoping for an error when i just opened this roll here. Spectacular toning on the Bisson. 2 have grease strike throughs. I saved 7 out of this roll ,2 strikethrough and. 5. Ms64 or better with golden bissoni. Sorry if too many coins in one post, but i took artistic liscence.
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This gallery has 6 photos.Last edited by 279773; 04-24-2023, 11:10 AM.Tags: None
Oh i forgot something. The obverse shot. I saved 5 nice golden ones too. Besides these two. 5 without error. This was a roll aquired from bank. I think I must put my loupe on goldenboy cheek. Cheek normal, but strike through very slight, located between nose and eye.You do not have permission to view this gallery.
This gallery has 2 photos.Last edited by 279773; 04-24-2023, 02:40 PM.