2002-P LMC
There is no doubt about this one being a misaligned die clash. Ever since the 2000P clash came to light, I have made it a point to look for this anaomaly on all modern Lincoln cents. So far, the only dates I have found them (misaligned clashes) on was 1993P (a very strong 0ne), 2000P (many diferent ones) and the 2002P (yours makes the 3rd different one for the date). One point to make is that almost every year since the early 90's has some clashes in this area. If you look hard enough, and with ample magnification, you can find more that have what we referred to as the 'extra beard remnants'. However, not all of them are misaligned die clashes.Bob Piazza
Lincoln Cent Attributer
1993-P Die clash
After reading Bobs reply I looked at other die clashes that I have and found this 1993-P that has the same clash that the 2002 has, an extra beard and the clash under the ear. The clash on the 1993 is a little lower then the 2002 and not as strong. It looks like its the 1993 Bob was talking about.Last edited by 931louis; 07-03-2008, 11:23 PM.
Here is the 1993 Clash I was talking about. As you can see, it is very stong...maybe one of the strongest found to date. I don't think it's the same as yours, but yours is definitely a nice one.
93madclash1.jpgBob Piazza
Lincoln Cent Attributer