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1960D Lincoln rev column 12
In my opinion, you can probably find a few other markers on the reverse of the coin and confirm they came from the same working dies. Thes÷ were pretty common in the 1960s and 1970s. Some of the die chips, especially at column 1 and 2 had "bee hive" style die chips in them.Gary Kozera
They are from different dies and not a progression. Looking at the first pic with arrows, the second pic with arrows and the third pic with arrows... pic 2 has a small chip on the last column and a chip above it at roof level. pic one is a bigger left chip but no roof chip. so they can not be the same as the roof would be after the nonroof..... but the right chip should be same or larger then the right chip on the non roof. and they are not......... pic 2 shows roof and right chip with chip all the way at right side of column... pic 3 shows a gap on far right side of column... but no roof but with a large "bee hive" chip outside of column....... These are 3 different dies with chips/cracks on them.CONECA Attributer: John Miller