1960 large or small dates
They appear to be all large date with the exception of one.The coin shown in the 3rd and 4th picture lower right under the brighter cent appears to be a small date 1960 D. Copper can show many color variations due to composition, age, oxidation and circulation just to name a few. I have seen some beautiful deep red and black examples and some with amazing rainbow patinas.
They are Lg. Dates to me...
I had 50 BU rolls of 1960 Large Date. When I zoomed in on your pics. I did not see any Small Date. Check these out. The lighting was bad so there not so pretty as they are in person. I have some gem rainbow toned ones. I'm no expert but "MY" opinion is they are all Large..
Originally posted by jcuve View PostAn illustration I created for SD & LDs: