both Brian Raines and vampicker have aimed me at this site (Brian sees the coin as being in ms61+/ms62 condition fwiw) ... and so here are the questions: where does this coin belong? (it's an error coin isn't it? but where does it fit in here?) ... how were the marks formed/made? (that determines it's proper place in the error coin sector doesn't it?) ... has anyone seen any other Morgan $'s like this? or any other coins that have a planchet type of mark/outline on them from a coin of a different size than the main coin planchet? i'd like to see pictures of them if possible. (i believe i'm rather familiar with posting & using the program/s here at CONECA's board ... and since this is my first post i'll see how it goes and maybe update or change something if i need to)
several pics of the coin's obverse and it's marks are at the first link above in the earliest posts section [also at this link recently, vamworld member "coindevil" used a link i posted to a morgan $ and a mercury dime and over-laid them to show that the marks on my coin do fit those of a US dime (or rather their planchet's shape/arc) quite convincingly] ...the second link is a recent update post after Brian looked very closely at it with his microscope. i will try to post a few pics here to simplify things:
my coin 1889 P Vam-52
superimposed merc dime over morgan $ showing where the lines/marks should be...fits quite well doesn't it?