It seems to me that varieties among gold coinage seem to be far less common than silver or copper. Be it a rockwell thing, additional care at the mint, both, or both combined with lower mintages and runs of recorded die pairings - they are seemingly worth the additional twice over when having a look-if you know what to look for. - and gold coins, I dont because quite frankly, the collection would never get very exciting; more torturous in all likelihood, haha.
My question of course comes from possessing a 1915 $10 Gold Eagle(s). Appearing in most respects as minor machine doubling, it suggests uncommonality solely based on my inability to find even one photo, article, post or quick-search results from any of the more popular browsers and of course destroying any and all high-res images i can combined with e-marketplace dredging. I am kinda internet savvy.
- Doubling is slight, on a localized portion of the reverse (another tell of machine probable doubling), yet does not carry across the periphery of the coin nor at a rotation. As well, the doubling does not carry evenly across details which are in line, instead skipping some detail, then doubling AABBCCDEEFGG....feel me?
-RS of DOLLARS, end of quiver/arrows,
-Olive leaves from right to left: 2,3,4 throughout the quiver (not all),
-Tail Feathers above quiver (again not all).
-Upper bar of N, Lower bar of E, Upper T of TEN (TEN DOLLARS) not very clear.
My understanding was that gold planchets, being softer metal than others, degrades dies more slowly than other metal coinage, and also the coins are far less likely to have machine doubling due to added care and less wear on the machine; Less overall, longterm resistance on machines due to lower populations,softer materials, maintained better, etc. equals a Better product with fewer varieties/ME.
* less resistance = longer life and less stress (wouldnt that be nice, haha).
So, destroy me, correct me, please show me some pics or reccomend a good book! any good books on toning, since im asking? haha.
theres a phone pic through mylar...if that doesnt work, i will have to move this operation to my scope and that will take longer. You may have to let your eyes make a few decisions as the focal point fades into the inner-coin. I'll post more later if there's any need.
Q: What is the commonality of this among the series, date, etc.?