thanks again
Hello Coneca
Hello Coneca
Hello everyone, I am BillyT21. I recently joined coneca in hopes of finding some errors I wasn’t aware of and learn what to do when you run across something that hasn’t been seen up to this point. I have a coin I do believe it to be a discovery coin. If anyone out there knows what steps are needed to make that happen, I really would appreciate it very much.
thanks againTags: None
Thank you Bob,for the response. The coin I have is a dime. Would this be the place to post pictures of the coin or is that somewhere I need to do that? I also have a Lincoln cent I would like for you to check out. If you could tell me what would be the best way to go about getting these two coins looked at. Thank you for you time
Are your coins errors or varieties? That would determine where you need to post any photos or other info. We are gearing up to get attributions opened up here pretty soon. As soon as we announce it, you can request an attribution or examination if the photos can not identify what you have.Bob Piazza
Lincoln Cent Attributer