2001 Lincoln cent
I don't doubt you for a second. What I can tell you is that it is not a clash. It doesn't look like one and most of the Memorial building (which is what a clash close to this would be) is straight lines. I can also tell you that even a stain can have a ridge if the liquid spilled on it was thicker and left some residue. Of course, this is all a guess on my part. I am only going by what it looks like to me.
Here are some clash photos from J. Cuve and Mad Die Clashes.com that show you the location of clash marks,
Small Cent - Lincoln Memorial - Overlay Combined.jpg Clash-LC-1960b.jpgBob Piazza
Lincoln Cent Attributer
Mustbebob, I'm actually familiar with the Mad Die Clashes website. I have a question. Could there be a flaw in the planchet thickness in that small arc area. It weighs 2.4 grams. All the ones I've weighed in the past were dead on 2.5 grams. I'm just trying to figure out what produced that slight ridge line. It's definitely not damage because the E in WE is struck over it and so is Lincoln's back of head.Last edited by Coindog; 06-21-2021, 08:36 PM.
.1 of a gram is so miniscule that I don't think it has anything to do with what you are seeing. It certainly can't cause what you are seeing there. At this point, I am no longer going to render any opinions on this coin. I gave you my opinion, and I guess that's what I am sticking to as I have no other guesses.Bob Piazza
Lincoln Cent Attributer