Ragged Preforation?
Ragged Preforation?
A friend from work asked me to check this coin & its quite unusual. While my mind first went to post mint damage I remembered the cover of Joseph Cronin's new book "Mint Errors to die for". The cover and page 203 discuss ragged perforations (blow holes). He says Errorref.com characterizes these holes as having an edge that's beveled on both faces. The arrows on my photos point to bevels on both sides of the coin. I took a close up of a portion of the plating layer that is still in place as a point of interest. Your thoughts on this coin matching this error category?You do not have permission to view this gallery.
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Your coin does not appear to be a ragged perforation since those start at the planchet stage. Your coin appears to be zinc corrosion, and there is evidence of that all over that coin. What you are thinking is beveled is actually the copper plating that has bent in in absence of the zinc core.Bob Piazza
Lincoln Cent Attributer
For clarification, This corrosion is a post mint event. You were able to tell this because fissure causing the ragged edge would have happened during the creation of the Zinc planchet and the inside of the hole would have then been copper plated? Thanks Bob for helping me understand the process and diagnostics.
One thing that stands out is the area around the hole having bright metal showing. Most of it would be long tarnished by now. Zinc cents with errors in my opinion simply look terrible, and IF this was ( and in my opinion, it is not) an error most serious collectors would run from it since it is rotting from the inside out. I agree with Bob 100%, this is PMD. Not sure what caused the issue, but it could have been a gas bubble that finally eroded thru, much like what Bob is suggesting.
Gary Kozera
Website: https://MintErrors.org