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1983p Spitting Eagle Clash/Shifted Mint Mark

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  • Daverage
    • Apr 2021
    • 120

    1983p Spitting Eagle Clash/Shifted Mint Mark

    This 1983p Quarter appears, to me, to have the spitting eagle die clash associated on the reverse. It also appears to have the clash on the obverse. It appears that the P mint mark shifted downward, or something is going on aside Washingtons ponytail. I would appreciate feedback, confirmation, correction or added information on this Quarter.
    Attached Files
  • mustbebob
    • Aug 2007
    • 3050

    Although I am no fan of the term 'Spitting Eagle', if there is a clash in that area, you may indeed have one. (Have you ever seen a spitting eagle? lol...)I can't tell from your photo though. Having a circulated coin like that really messes things up. The mintmark on your coin looks like it received damage from a rolling machine. The circular scrape marks from that machine can be seen easily on the obverse.
    Bob Piazza
    Lincoln Cent Attributer


    • Daverage
      • Apr 2021
      • 120

      mustbebob, thanks for the response and information. Yes I have seen a couple Quarters with this clash over the years. I've also seen many eagles over my years but never a spitting one, lol. The clash does seem to match up with Washington's neck. I wasn't sure if the obverse circular markings were from a coin rolling or eagle wing clashes. I was hoping it was from a wing clash situation. A rolling machine could cause that type of situation with the mint mark looking shifted like that? I posted this coin on the other forum almost three hours ago but nobody has responded, which is very odd if it can be easily refuted.
      Last edited by Daverage; 03-17-2022, 08:31 PM.


      • MintErrors
        • Jun 2015
        • 3592

        I collect Morgan Dollars, Lincoln cents and 1964 Kennedy halves. When someone refers to a spitting eagle, it gets my attention, until I see the coin type or incorrect date. It's an 1891 Carson City Morgan dollar that deserves that spitting eagle phrase because the location of that tear shaped die chip makes that eagle look like he is spitting.

        The quarter in question may have a light die clash from the obverse on the reverse but the photos need to be better, less fuzzy to confirm. It's simply too hard to tell what it is.
        Gary Kozera
        Website: https://MintErrors.org


        • Daverage
          • Apr 2021
          • 120

          MintErrors, it does appear to be a late state die for sure. I didn't mean to get you excited by using the term spitting eagle it was just what I have heard this clash referred to it as in the past, lol. I hope these pics are abit clearer of the clash area.
          Attached Files


          • MintErrors
            • Jun 2015
            • 3592

            Being as beat up as it is, I think I can still make out that it could be a clash.
            They aren't rare, but they aren't extremely plentiful either.
            I did not see your coin year listed on Mad Die Clashes, but there was a similar year:


            Ha! Nah, I wasn't excited, I was simply stating my opinion.
            I get excited if I find a 1891-CC Morgan unslabbed or slabbed in a high grade, unattributed which can fetch a decent premium.
            Last edited by MintErrors; 03-18-2022, 07:05 AM.
            Gary Kozera
            Website: https://MintErrors.org


            • Daverage
              • Apr 2021
              • 120

              MintErrors, thank you, It isn't so much about a premium with my coin finds at this point. It's more about understanding what I'm seeing or getting confirmation that I'm seeing it correctly. Also learning more about the errors and varieties that I'm not familiar with.

