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CONECA (pronounced: CŌ´NECA) is a national numismatic organization devoted to the education of error and variety coin collectors. CONECA focuses on many error and variety specialties, including doubled dies, Repunched mintmarks, multiple errors, clips, double strikes, off-metals and off-centers—just to name a few. In addition to its website, CONECA publishes an educational journal, The Errorscope, which is printed and mailed to members bimonthly. CONECA offers a lending library, examination, listing and attribution services; it holds annual meetings at major conventions (referred to as Errorama) around the country.

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2021 P Roosevelt Dime - Lam?

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  • considine
    • Jan 2022
    • 236

    2021 P Roosevelt Dime - Lam?

    I was wondering if this crack on the obverse on the back of the head is a retained lamination? or just a plain old crack. A lot going on here with the die chips... while I was taking pics I also noticed some other items I would like to point out.

    The upper right olive leaf. The close up I have looks like an extra leaf to me. Yes I know it is not the usual place.

    Notches on the E really stood out.

    Thank you for your thoughts and opinions.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by considine; 05-17-2022, 01:41 PM.
  • considine
    • Jan 2022
    • 236

    Well I should say it looks like it is about to peel off. Maybe an RIBD? Not sure what to call it exactly.


    • mustbebob
      • Aug 2007
      • 3050

      There is indeed a lot going on with this coin. The fact that chips and cracks show is a sure sign of die deterioration on the reverse, but I don't know what it is behind the head on the obverse. It might even be a small struck through.
      The 'notching' you see on the reverse is not related to hub doubling though. You can plainly see that the letters are cut into by the 'doubling', so this is all a manifestation of that MD. I just can't tell what is going on with the leaves either, but it looks more like MD than any hub doubling.
      Bob Piazza
      Lincoln Cent Attributer


      • considine
        • Jan 2022
        • 236

        Thank you mustbebob. Appreciate the clarification on that E - cut into by the doubling is a good descriptor and now I know it is MD And with all of the die chips the leaves are probably same.

        The area behind his head is kind of flaky looking, like it is the beginning of a lamination peel that was retained. That is now my best guess.


        • DoubleYou
          Wendell Carper
          • Mar 2021
          • 81

          Lighting isn't great, but the leaf on the reverse could be a doubled die. Similar doubled dies have occurred in the center around this leaf. Can't really tell from the picture though.
          Wendell Carper

          It's a bird! It's a plane! Aw nuts... It's merely two die scratches!


          • MintErrors
            • Jun 2015
            • 3592

            Check this coins weight. I am wondering if it is slightly low, and if so could it be a thinner or tapered planchet ? The rims look a little off, as well as the date. I suggest matching it up with another dime of the same year. Check the width of the coin as well as the height. Lay both dimes down side by side and see if there is any noticeable differences.same with the width, hold both dimes together and looking at the reeding, examine it all the way around.

            The easiest answer is lamination, but this usually occurs on one side. It could simply be a bad planchet
            Let me get some sleep and I will have a better idea what else this could be...
            Gary Kozera
            Website: https://MintErrors.org


            • considine
              • Jan 2022
              • 236

              Hi I weighed the coin and it is 2.2 grams - my scale does not go out more decimals. Compared to another which was 2.3 grams - seems tolerable? I put them side by side and did not see any significant differences.

              I tried to get a closer pic of the "extra leaf" using the magnifying device attached to my phone but so much glare it isn't any better than my first attempt.

              Thank you DoubleYou and MintErrors for your help.

