The coin was submitted to NGC and was graded but not attributed . Now I need it to be confirmed. I see 3 strikes possibly 4. But I could be wrong..
Possible 1991 D. 1DR-004
Possible 1991 D. 1DR-004
Ok. After a lot of searching I came across this coin realized there was some type of error taking place, wasn't until later I was able to make a possible connection. 1991D 1DR-004
The coin was submitted to NGC and was graded but not attributed . Now I need it to be confirmed. I see 3 strikes possibly 4. But I could be wrong..You do not have permission to view this gallery.
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This is a plating issue and not the doubled die. What about all the other areas of doubling as seen on Are they visible on your coin? All of the doubling (especially on a doubled die this strong) needs to be present. Was the coin submitted to NGC on the premise it was a DDR? Were the variety fees paid? The fact it is not a DDR is why it wasn't attributed as such?Bob Piazza
Lincoln Cent Attributer
Do you mind me asking your history in the Numismatic field?
I have 54 years in the field. I have been a Lincoln Cent attributer for about 25 years. I have attributed and listed over 2,000 varieties for while I was their senior attributer. I have served on the CONECA Board of Directors and am now the Moderator for their web site. I have helped write numerous articles for Numismatic Magazines and Web sites.
With all that being said, I do not even profess to know everything about every thing. I am considered an expert on Varieties, but not errors. I do know an awful lot about them them as you might expect after looking at hundreds of thousands of coins over the years.
I can tell you that things like die cracks, chips, MD, plating issues and the like are terribly common. Third party grading services have their own rules and regulations. Since they are in the business of grading and authentication, that's what they concentrate on. There is nothing that says they have to list a die crack. A die crack will not keep the coin from grading though. They gave it (your coin) an MS65. Why shouldn't they if that was the coins condition? A side note of die deterioration is just that. A note.
What you think is a new discovery is in fact not a discovery at all. It is a common part of the minting process. You are just calling it something else. You don't know if it has been seen before. You may be the first person to report it, Not discover it. Most examiners will not list things this trivial. If they did, the catalogue would be thousands and thousands of pages long.
The point of this whole thread is that the issues you are having with NGC can only be handled with NGC. We can not change their minds. Your original post was about 1991 Possible DDR. It is NOT that variety. If it doesn't even look like the variety, it can not be the variety. Now, the post is about TPGs and their lack of acceptable service for your coins. That is unfortunate, but definitely not anything new. They follow their own rules.
I am impressed that you were able to 'turn around' about $170K over the last couple of years. However, I have no clue what, where, why or how you did that. Many years ago, a good numismatic friend of mine told me something that has forever stayed foremost in my mind. When I mentioned that I may or may not want to ever sell part of my collection, his exact words were 'That is your business, but selling something for lots of money does not make you an expert in the field. It makes you a good salesman.'Last edited by mustbebob; 07-06-2022, 03:25 PM.Bob Piazza
Lincoln Cent Attributer
You asked for my credentials. I gave them to you. I did not belittle you at all. I did not question your ability to observe anything. I do not particularly care how you process anything here. You posted, I replied. I did not question your character either, but you are questioning mine. If you don't care that I have over 50 years of experience, maybe you shouldn't have asked me to provide that information. How do you know what I have and haven't seen? What would have been different if I had said I had 20 days worth of experience? I am sure it would have been different.
I made a statement about not knowing anything about your sales. No where in that statement did I say anything was untrue or suspect. I just didn't know, and said so. What is wrong with that? I really don't care what you have sold, or how much you have made. Maybe it was wrong to relay to you something that was said to me decades ago. Obviously you were sensitive to that statement. You found something different and sold it. Does that still make you a salesman? I guess not, so if that upset you, I apologize.
What I do think, is that you need to go back and re-read my reply. You are misunderstanding what was said in good faith, and I resent that. Everything I said is fact. You are chastising the very person that is probably one of the best to teach you here. You asked for a place to help you learn, and I was more than willing to do that for you. You must take the good with the bad though. Not everything you think is something spectacular or noteworthy is actually that good. IT's the nature of the hobby.
I can't help but say once again, that the very reason you started this post (the 1991 possible DDR) was answered a while ago. We are off on another tangent now, and I prefer to state emphatically that if you want to be here, then welcome. We are glad to have you. If not, there are other places that could help you learn.Bob Piazza
Lincoln Cent Attributer
No one is trying to be a butt hole here, and I certainly agree with what you are trying to achieve. Learning this stuff is not easy, but that is what we try to ascertain at the beginning. What and how much do you know, and how is the best way to help you. I gave you what I thought was answers to your questions. Anyway, that's a moot point right now. I don't hold any grudges, and I hope you don't either. I really do want to help people succeed in this hobby. I certainly don't need this position, and do it voluntarily. For the last 50 something years, I always have had people to mentor and guide me through this hobby. That is why I am what I am today.
I look forward to seeing your dime clash post. I also look forward to assisting you if you need help in the hobby. Thanks you very much for your post.Bob Piazza
Lincoln Cent Attributer