Thank you for any help you can give.
Unique 1984 Lincoln Cent
Unique 1984 Lincoln Cent
Hey everyone, I know this coin has rather obvious errors that I know of. However, there is so much going on here that I don't know if I'm missing the big picture error that is responsible for the various errors seen or if it is just one of those oddities that have multiple different errors that just happened to come together all in one planchet.
Thank you for any help you can give.
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There is indeed a lot going on with your coin. The most noticeable is the plating issue. 1984 was a terrible year for copper plated zinc blanks, and most of them ended up with bubbles. In your case, I don't know if the plating came off before or after striking, or if it was chemically or environmentally removed. I also see that there is a clash (visible at the chin area), and what also looks like some staining. Some folks would think of this as all damage, and others think it is indeed pretty unique. It is hard to be absolutely certain how this coin ended up like this.Bob Piazza
Lincoln Cent Attributer