1971 Lincoln Cent D/D North RPM new variety?
I am sorry, but I just can not tell. I would need a better photograph that is more in focus. From what I can make out, it appears that the top of the mint mark took a hit, and all of the date/MM area seems scrunched up a bit. Can you give it another try?Bob Piazza
Lincoln Cent Attributer
I am headed to bed. I suggest that you use http://varietyvista.com and see if you can match up the exact mintmark location to a coin on variety vista. If not, try https://coppercoins.com .
I agree photo is out of focus, with way too much lighting. If it is in a holder, the camera is probably focusing on the ho.der, vice the coin itself. If feasable, you can remove the coin from the holder and see if photos come out clear. Close is not alwY the best shot. Some cameras or apps have a macro feature. It's usually displayed as a flower.
If on the top of the date looks like it too may have some doubling, it might be machine doublin if the Mintmark look like it is on two different levels, step or shelf like, suspect worthless machine doubling.
Gary Kozera
Website: https://MintErrors.org