RPM search
I've tried different formats to fit your 2mb limit. I did find a similar coin on coppercoins 1MM-001. The few die markers matched PICT0023.jpg
That is a much better photo. Thank you very much. I looked at 1MM-001 yesterday, but was concerned about the mint mark positioning. Is that light dot under the lower serif raised on the coin? I still can't make out if that area is the entire lower curve as seen on 1MM-001.Bob Piazza
Lincoln Cent Attributer
Well, I can say for sure that it is not 1MM-001. I did an overlay with your photo and the file copy of 1MM-001. As you can see, the mint mark positioning is way off. If you do come up with something else, let me know.
1919Soverlay.jpgBob Piazza
Lincoln Cent Attributer