I am so glad to be here! I have a question in regards to a Lincoln cent I found in circulation. Im back to the hobby after getting frustrated and yelling at lincoln. When it gets to that point in life you know it's time to step back and breathe. I organized my coins in containers and put them away. Over the weekend I started to sort through the cans by date. I am still looking for that 1992 wide AM. I have a feeling there is a coin out there with a 1993 over 1992. Could this be possible? I have a feeling there is. It would be a great find. 1993 over 1992 wide am? WOW- wouldnt that be a find! Well to get back to the coin at hand. I found some interesting 92's and this 1994. I have seen on the forum the doubled ear but not anything referring to a doubled chin. I found some die cracks in the 92's, some date anomalies in the 93's and this on the 94. Anything is possible and any one here finds a 93 over 92 - WOW I wonder how much would that coin be worth! Any help is appreciated.
1994 doubled chin Lincoln Cent?
1994 doubled chin Lincoln Cent?
Hello Everyone!
I am so glad to be here! I have a question in regards to a Lincoln cent I found in circulation. Im back to the hobby after getting frustrated and yelling at lincoln. When it gets to that point in life you know it's time to step back and breathe. I organized my coins in containers and put them away. Over the weekend I started to sort through the cans by date. I am still looking for that 1992 wide AM. I have a feeling there is a coin out there with a 1993 over 1992. Could this be possible? I have a feeling there is. It would be a great find. 1993 over 1992 wide am? WOW- wouldnt that be a find! Well to get back to the coin at hand. I found some interesting 92's and this 1994. I have seen on the forum the doubled ear but not anything referring to a doubled chin. I found some die cracks in the 92's, some date anomalies in the 93's and this on the 94. Anything is possible and any one here finds a 93 over 92 - WOW I wonder how much would that coin be worth! Any help is appreciated.Tags: None
Your 1994 cent shows machine doubling. This is usually caused by a loose die that bounces or shifts after impact.
There is no 1993/2 class III doubled die. There hasn't been a class III doubled die since the 1942/1 Mercury dime.Mike Diamond. Error coin writer and researcher.