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CONECA (pronounced: CŌ´NECA) is a national numismatic organization devoted to the education of error and variety coin collectors. CONECA focuses on many error and variety specialties, including doubled dies, Repunched mintmarks, multiple errors, clips, double strikes, off-metals and off-centers—just to name a few. In addition to its website, CONECA publishes an educational journal, The Errorscope, which is printed and mailed to members bimonthly. CONECA offers a lending library, examination, listing and attribution services; it holds annual meetings at major conventions (referred to as Errorama) around the country.

CONECA was formed through a merger of CONE and NECA in early 1983. To learn more about the fascinating HISTORY OF THE ERROR HOBBY and THE HISTORY OF CONECA, we encourage you to visit us our main site Here

If you're not a member and would like to join see our Membership Application

We thank everybody who has helped make CONECA the great success that it is today!

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  • Bellis
    • Nov 2021
    • 16

    New Member

    Hi , my name is Brandie . I started collecting with wheat pennies and then discovered variety errors and I've been hooked ever since . I might have to good of an eye for it and there's many things to consider an be aware of , but I'm getting better on research, knowledge an experience . Thanks ☺️
  • mustbebob
    • Aug 2007
    • 3050

    Welcome Brandie. We are glad you're here. If we can help you in any way, please be sure to ask.
    Bob Piazza
    Lincoln Cent Attributer


    • Bellis
      • Nov 2021
      • 16

      Thanks so much


      • MintErrors
        • Jun 2015
        • 3592

        Welcome to the Forum Brandie.

        What I can immediately offer are a few sites to visit as you wish.

        1. John Wexler's educational site about coins. https://doubleddie.com

        I will highlight just a few pages he has. One is about "worthless" doubling and it can be the hardest thing to master. John W offers a comarision between a worthless doubling and an actual doubled die. On the doubled dies, notice how the doubling appears to be thicker. It may also have a cookie cutter style line where the doubled die impression overlapped.

        Worthless doubling
        Die varieties such as doubled dies, Repunched mint marks (RPMs), Over Mint Marks (OMMs), Repunched Dates, Overdates, coin design varieties, as well as regular coins and error coins.

        Actual doubled die listings
        Die varieties such as doubled dies, Repunched mint marks (RPMs), Over Mint Marks (OMMs), Repunched Dates, Overdates, coin design varieties, as well as regular coins and error coins.

        Re-punched mint marks
        Die varieties such as doubled dies, Repunched mint marks (RPMs), Over Mint Marks (OMMs), Repunched Dates, Overdates, coin design varieties, as well as regular coins and error coins.

        John Wexler does recognize CONECA listings and tries to coordinate his numbering system with CONECA. John does not list all of his findings. However, he has a wide selection of coin types with some pretty good examples.

        2. James Wiles attribution site http://varietyvista.com

        James W recently handed over the attribution duties back to CONECA. The variety vista site has a lot of examples to look through, categorized by coin type, then by variety (doubled die obverse, doubled die reverse or re-punched mint marks) and finally by year. It is a simple drill down system and once you are at the year, it lists most varieties that CONECA recognizes.

        3. Brian's variety coins https://www2.briansvarietycoins.com//.

        Brian offers attribution photos at the top menu bar under Nickel doubled die listings. He also has coins for sale to the left menu bar. Both areas offer some good coin photography to look over and potentially find a match.

        It looks like you have posting down pretty well.

        A suggestion I can offer is when you post a coin, make sure it is a single coin per post. Try to post varieties (DDO, DDR, RPM's) under the varieties forum and any potential error coins (off-center, lamination, strike-thru's, etc under the error forum.

        It is best to get the clearest photograph of the obverse of the coin and the reverse. Some like to get as close to the coin, and it often blurs the photograph, and the attributers or fellow error coin collectors cannot determine what you are seeing.

        Lighting is the #1 pain in my opinion. Too much light will set off glare and make it impossible to see. Too little and the photo is too dark to see the depth of the coin to make an educated guess what the coin is. If your having difficulties with lighting, simply drape a sheer white cloth around the coin or over a light. Take your photos and immediately remove the cloth from the light.

        I see that Bob P. a CONECA staff member stopped by and offered his greetings as well. Feel free to ask questions, some one should respond back usually within a day or two, some times sooner.

        If you have coin related questions, please ask. Many of the staff members here are always willing to answer questions, or point you to a reference that can explain that question.

        Welcome aboard. We hope you enjoy your experience here.
        Gary Kozera
        Website: https://MintErrors.org


        • Bellis
          • Nov 2021
          • 16

          Thanks so much

